The First Blog Post

A blog, eh?

There’s space on the home page for one. I may as well write here. I might bank on folks not reading it though, hah. I’m sure my therapist would support the idea of a blog.

So, sure. Why not. Roslin Goblin’s personal blog. Occasional product reviews. Maybe actual helpful shit once in a while. Snark. Event hints. And so on and so forth.

If your judgement is so questionable that you actually enjoy ramblings of strangers on the internet, maybe you’ll enjoy this too. I was going to make a crack about not being that interesting of a person, but I’ve been told more than once that I am, in fact, interesting. I don’t feel interesting today, but I recognize that different people find different things interesting.

Today might be a little rambly. I’m going to  talk about some of my first impressions and experiences from starting a new career in vtubing.

New career. What an odd statement. It’s true, but it still doesn’t quite “feel real.” I keep waiting for the realization to hit that I am SHIT at this and am making a mistake. Instead, the opposite keeps happening.

Let’s start with the exciting stuff, career-wise. Twitch, making money, fame, that sort of stuff.

The imposter syndrome is REAL but I recognize that if people actually find this blog post, this is the kind of information they might find interesting.

When I made my first hundred bucks

All I could think was, “Holy shit. I did it. I’m actually doing this.”

Shit I accomplished in my first 17 days on Twitch

The date might seem arbitrary, but it’s how much time has passed since my first stream until now. I hit affiliate really easily. My goal when I started the Roslin Goblin project was to hit a hundred bucks within the first thirty days of existing on the internet. I hit about $150 in those first thirty days.

I started on Twitter and Reddit. I didn’t intend to stream at first, but fans of goblins across the internet seem to really like watching streams, so I kind of went all-in as soon as I realized that. I initially just wanted to draw hot short-stacks but the internet seemed to – gasp – actually be interested in who I am as a person??? I question the judgement of my viewers.

I did employ a particular… let’s see, what to call it, archetype? Template? System? Whatever you want to call it, I had a plan. For those first thirty days, I had a plan. I knew I wouldn’t likely see a dime until week four of the project and I acted accordingly. I was cognitively aware that the plan should work but that didn’t mean I BELIEVED it, you know?




I made a grand total of $228.55, plus around $50 in gifted items and gifted subscriptions to 11 different content creators.



112 Twitch followers, 20 Twitch subscribers, 313 Twitter followers, and assorted cases of “hey I know you” that shocked me.



I… lost track of the number of things I drew during this period. Probably less than hundred pieces, more than a dozen?


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