HvZ is Coming!

Weekend of October’s Friday the 13th, 2023

It’s official: Humanoids vs Zombies is finally getting a second event!

This weekend-long Minecraft event is a classic and a blast. Whether you plan to stay logged in the entire game or just pop in for a few hours of exploration, it’s sure to be something you’ll remember!



For Those Unfamiliar with HvZ

The Minecraft version of Humanoids vs Zombies is inspired by the old college NERF gun LARP Humans vs Zombies.

The concept is fairly simple: Anyone who wants to play starts out as human. Someone is designated patient zero. If a human is tagged, they join team Z. If humans pop a zombie with a NERF dart, the zombie has to leave them alone for some time.

Humans only escape the game with their mortality intact if they can reach a certain location at a certain time at the end of the game, where a fictional extraction team will rescue them.


Because we’re playing this game in Minecraft, there are tweaks to make the games overlap well.

In the Minecraft edition, the zombies are armed, and it often takes more than one hit to fell them – but you can take more hits too!

You only turn into a zombie if you are killed. But, since you spent so much time around the undead and near places where their blood has been aerialized, you get turned no matter how you die; you’re already infected.

When you start Humanoids vs Zombies, you will be effectively locked into adventure mode (claims rules keep you from breaking things). But, play enough, and you can escape into the rest of the map and play in survival mode.

Humans, live long enough to make it to the extraction point when help comes.

 Zombies, eat all the brains you can!

This Year’s Story

“You have been cordially invited to a magical masquerade in Mayor Maud’s magnificent mansion! Come attend a lovely party consisting entirely of humans. Yes, definitely all humans here, though all races are welcome! Definitely a big ole’ batch of super-mortal-definitely-not-undead humans over here at this party.”

You see, poor Maud’s citizens have transacted a terrible affliction: they’re turning into zombies!

Maud has her best people working on a cure, but she can’t let her people starve, and for some reason… The ill seem to only eat the flesh of other humanoids. She refuses to let her people starve or be eaten. She also doesn’t want to experiment on her own beloved citizens.

The solution: invite a bunch of strangers to the village, capture them, let them be partially consumed and turned, and then cure them eventually with the rest of the citizens! After all, if a cure is on the way, it’s not really all that bad, right? You’ll just be a zombie for a little while. Maud definitely won’t fuck up and accidentally accelerate the zombie apocalypse or anything.


You’ll arrive directly into the entrance lobby of the mansion, effectively in adventure mode and unable to break blocks (claims permissions). The door is locked behind you.

Explore, loot, and survive until you can escape the mansion.

Once out of the grounds of the mansion, you’ll be able to resume survival Minecraft normally.

There is no minimum play time in this game. However, there are log in bonuses sprinkled at random time stamps, and you’ll need to be geared up to maximize your chances of surviving the journey to the extraction point.


Current Action Items

Right now, the most important thing is to block off the time slot on your calendar!

If you’re rarin’ to go, you can get a leg up with the following options:


  • Join my Discord where there’s an #hvz channel in the events section, and a role for HvZ 2023 participation (please do this it’s how I’m getting a rough player count lol)
  • If you’re unfamiliar with Curseforge, consider downloading it and watching some tutorials on basics like JEI and Journeymap. Minecolonies is a significant part of this year’s modpack – the entire mansion will be designed using this mod.
  • Consider designing a variation of your current Minecraft skin that is zombified! That way you can relog with your cool new skin to show your support for team Z if you turn. We’re using a teams mod, so it will be obvious when someone’s an enemy, but this is a fun bonus option to do.


  • Support packages start at 5$. Custom art packages start at $69.
  • If you’re already a subscriber (on any of my platforms), there will be in-game perks. I haven’t picked those yet, so let me know what you’d like to see!
  • Packages run as small as just a few additional permissions in the game all the way up through getting custom art and in-stream redeems your chat can do to make things happen in the game!
  • Frankly, contact me and make me an offer for what you’re interested in. 


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